What is this music about?

Cheers To You: I nominate it as the song of the summer.   Seriously!   After all this time we get to finally see our friends and families and it’s been a tough time for us all.   Hoist a glass!  Find a neighbor, and toast them.  Cheers to You!  

I’d love to see a pic of you with your friends having that drink!

I’d heard the opening line on a sports station. Some tailgaters at an Eagles game, who offered a reporter a drink rather early in the day with the reasoning, “You can’t drink all day, if you don’t start in the morning.” The rest of the song wrote itself.   Song of the summer

Dirt Track Demon was a song written about my daughter’s short-lived desire to be a racing driver. The song is in recognition of the women drivers, many of whom are competing at the top levels. 

Into The Forest: The title track is a song inspired by a trail that leads through a patch of woods and leads to the New River in Virginia.   Hummingbirds is also a Virginia-inspired song that I jokingly call my Terrapin.  It’s simply a story of a common man facing evil, and being inspired by the hummingbirds as a gateway to the spirit world.

Remember to Forget is probably the first song I’d written of this batch. A song of heartbreak.  We’ve all plenty of inspiration there.

Punching Harder is a song written from the news.  The dividing lines between us have become more pronounced lately it seems.  It’s tough to watch friends and family who have some deeply different ideals. 

Uncle Andy is my introduction to this crazy dream. I have a lot of talented friends and family.  I want you all in the Society!

Picking at The Chicken Lickin’ is about a man I met who had a guitar with him at a parking lot headed toward a chicken shack.  He started a conversation after seeing my Steely Dan shirt.  Unfortunately, between his thick southern accent and his dental insufficiencies, I could barely understand him.  In my mind I imagined him headed to the chicken shack to play his guitar, and he’s killing it.

A Man Alone is a song of my thoughts as a delivery driver. When you learn to be comfortable in your own skin, you have accomplished something.

Kissing Bridge is my reminiscing of a relationship I’d had as a young man.  A summer love I’d never forget throughout my life. “Smoking weed and cigarettes, making love every chance we’d get.”

Purple Sting Ray is a song about a boy and his bike.  A boy’s bike was his independence back in the day. “Wherever that bike was, you know I could be found.”

I’m really happy with the songs, and it’s been an amazing journey to get them to you.